2012년 12월 12일 수요일

Hint & Tips for new Mac OSX users

Most of you came from Microsoft Windows to Apple Mac OSX. And, I was one of them suffered from something different from MS Windows platforms. So, I'd like to share some hint & tips from now on.

How can we put icons of drives on the desktop : Preference of Finder

Click Finder then Preferences. Next Click General, then you can click the items : HDD, External Disk or Servers connected. And, you can configure Finder to open new folder always.

How to see hidden files : ShowAllFiles app

You can toggle Show or Hidden with this app:


Ctrl-Alt-Del in Mac

1. Applications->Utilities->Activity Monitor
2. ->Force Quit, or press shortcut (Option++ESC or Alt++ESC)


Scroll Direction is opposite of mouse : Scroll Reverser

We used to use the central button of mouse to scroll up and down. However, scroll direction is opposite in Mac vs. MS Windows. So, I use Scroll Reverser App & start automatically when Mac OSX starting.


Cannot toggle local language between English as you've done in Microsoft Windows : KeyRemap4MacBook

One of inhibitors to migrate from Microsoft Windows to Mac OSX is how-to toggle between your native language like Korean, Japanese and English on keyboard. As a Korean language user, I used to use Kor/Eng toggle key next to space bar usually, but it doesn't work on Mac OSX and I have to press two keys at the same time. Here is the solution: you can change key after install & reboot "KeyRemap4MacBook" in System setting icon. Click it and scroll down to find "For Korean", then toggle "Toggle HanEng Key(to Command_L(R)+Space), and close it. Then, it works! Actually, I hate to use any app related with keyboard with concern of hacking. But, it's known in Internet, so I'm taking the risk.

Added on 1-Dec.2013 : [For Korean] -> [Make external...] , [HanEng key to Command+Space]


Added on 3-Oct,2013 : How to enable KOR/ENG toggle with Apple Wireless Keyboard at Right Command key - Simply move to "For Korean"->  "Make Command_R, Option_R as HanEng..." -> "Command_R to Command+Space". Done.
Don't know how to manage files : mucommander

I happen to find many new comers to Mac OSX fall in trouble to manage files like copy, move or delete. But, they may realize that Finder is a kind of Explorer in MS Windows. But, managing files in Finder or Explorer are not convenient for me. So, I recommend you to use mucommander. It's sort of Total Commander, but it's free (based on GPL).


Panic! how to uninstall the program : AppCleaner

Install & put AppCleaner app on the desktop. You can drag App in Applications folder at the bottom of screen to AppCleaner to uninstall. It's simple!


Need to install or updated Kext file, but I'm not familiar : Kext Drop

Many of you are Hackintosh users. Which means you may need to install any updated Kext file of Graphics, Sound or Networking Card etc. But, we have to recover the authority of that new file after copying those files, but there is no easy way to do. You can save your effort and time by using Kext Drop App. You can move this app icon from Application folder to the desktop. Then, drag and drop new Kext file to this app on the desk, then installation will be done. Simple! 


Alternative app is Kext Wizard, and you can get it here:


Safari is not familiar -.- : Using Google Chrome or Firefox

One of benefit of using Google Chrome is the migration of bookmark is very simple : automatically without copy those. So, I prefer to use Chrome in Mac OSX or Ubuntu too.


Still Need to use Microsoft Windows XP, 7 or 8 : VMWare

If you still need to use Microsoft Windows OS from time to time. Virtualization is the answer to your requirement. I recommend to use VMWare Workstation to run Microsoft Windows.


But, it's not free of charge at this time. It costs 249 USD as of today.

Need to copy or backup of your installed Mac OSX : Carbon Copy Cloner

Most of hackintosh users are worried about the boot failure. Timemachine feature of Mac OSX would recover with iBoot, but the perfect solution of copy the boot harddisk or clone it: Carbon Copy Cloner. You can even boot the clone image. But, you have to pay around 40 USD.


Need to connect to Mac OSX from remote site : splashtop streamer

I recommend you "splashtop streamer" app. It's cheap but powerful at Apple iPAD. I can connect to Mac OSX from new iPAD. But, I cannot take Mac OSX screen at retina display resolution, different from my expectation to see FullHD resolution at new iPAD which supports retina display.


Sometimes, if you cannot delete files even in trash : Trash it!


Want to change the font of Google Chrome like Safari with StyleSheet

Replace the custom.css file in Users/your id/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/User StyleSheets with your .css file. Following is the recommend in Korean language environment:

Any recommendation of Antivirus app for MacOSX: 

It's free of charge: http://www.avast.com/index

Others: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2406379,00.asp

How to play m2ts or BMDV or Bluray rip file on Mac: VLC

It's free of charge:


'About this Mac' doesn't work

It is one of unsolved issues for months to me, and couldn't find the cause & solution even by googling. Anyhow, it's because you run OSX86tools aged more than 5 years on Mountain Lion. This tool known to corrupt AboutThisMag.strings file in '/System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow.app/Contents/Resources' directory. So, all you have to to is replace this original one. Several ways to fix it, but the best way is :

FIRST STEP - Copy the attached AboutThisMac.strings.zip file to your desktop and uncompress it

1. Open the Terminal App
2. run the following commands
sudo -s
cd /System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow.app/Contents/Resources
cp ~/Desktop/AboutThisMac.strings .

THIRD STEP - Log out, Log back in.

You can refer it here: 


Always boot in verbose mode

The answer to this problem was following for me:

sudo nvram boot-args=

This works for me. All other hint & tips of handling it at Multibeast or Chameleon wizrard didn't work for me.


Remove FakeSMC plug-ins & HWMonitor

If your systems is getting slower of booting after updating FakeSMC, please remove plug-ins & HWMonitor to make it fast by referring this:


rm -rf "/Volumes/Mountain Lion/System/Library/Extensions/FakeSMC.kext/Contents/PlugIns/*"

rm -rf "/Volumes/Mountain Lion/System/Library/Caches/*"

Changing default partition (booting partition) 

You need to know the number of disk & partition to change the default partition at Chameleon. Open terminal & run this command to see it:

diskutil list


Strange enough, the order of disk & partition in diskutil would be different from those is Chameleon bootloader. I recommend you to follow the sequence shown at booting of Chameleon. e.g. hdd(2,1) means the third hdd (0,1,2..) & the first partition (1,2,3..).

You can refer the common boot options of Chameleon here:


How can I see the log file generated by a verbose start-up

"sudo dmesg | more"  in terminal

Using Apple MagicTouch Mouse, Trackpad on Microsoft Windows

Many topics we can this by googling, but most of them are wrong to me.
Please refer this URL, this is the correct one for me : Taking device drivers from the .zip file of BootCamp :

http://nuggets.hammond-turner.org.uk/2013/06/thursday-quickie-installing-windows.html  <- link to how-to
http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1638 <- Direct path to the device driver

Clock in Windows is wrong after dual booting Windows or Mac OSX

Just in case if you are using dual booting, you need to configure Windows support for UTC time like Linux or Mac OSX.


Runregedit.exeand navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation. Register New > DWORD (32-bit) Value. Name itRealTimeIsUniversal, then give it a value of 1.

Other tips to install Mountain Lion on B75M-D3H, please refer this:


To be continued...